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Make $20 In An Hour Doing This Method NOW!! Free Tutorial

Make $20 In An Hour Doing This Method NOW!! Free Tutorial 

Hello guys,  you guys are going to love me after this. I found this way to make money that it is CRAZY INSANE! yes it has to do with adfly also , so do not worry.!

First is first, the first thing you are going to need is couple things, just follow my instruction and you are good to go.! 

If you want your account to look like this. 

Then follow these steps: 

1. Create an account on SHARECASH HERE NOW!

2. Create an account on PIRATEBAY HERE!

3. Create an account on Adfly HERE!

Step by step Plan
1) Find popular game - For gaming niche, you need big game. I used online Massive Multiplayer Games, such as seafight and darkorbit. These games are played by few xx-xxx million players, there is your money and traffic.
Seaifight - 43.108.900 Players
Darkorbit - 78.919.410 Players

2) Find what gamers want - For seafight there was game money gold and pearls, of course pearls was hard to get and needed to pay money, and for darkorbit there was Uridiu, and also paid In-game value. So that is what people want, just look around they struggle to get it. so there are people who want it for free, and how ? By hacking, cheating and botting, even if 1% of all seafight community and darkorbit gamers look for it, you still get xxx Thousands. So people want this secret way to get free stuff, everyone loves it...

TIP to find popular game 
Also use : to find popular game, Tip : look for thread count in each game section. then look at google keyword tool how much people search for releated keywords. If you think its good, go ahead and use that. 

3) Set everything up - Now you game, also you know what people want, now you need to set up everything. I used youtube to promote, because games want to see these bots, hacks, anything in action, they just WANT to see proofs that there is way it works.

You need video and we have 2 ways here lazy and professional way. 
1) Lazy way - Take other people videos, little editing with call to action text Example - Click the link in description, Download link in description etc. And just reupload. I suggest to edit it little bit, it works better and you will make more money, people forget to check description 
2) professional way - Make fake bot, make proofs, make video, everything . So this might be harder. I used Visual basics to make fake bot, then i used some HTML knowledge to make "Proofs" , made video + instructions and reuploaded, took more time , but more conversions of course. It might be though to make and learn visual basic, but it isnt impossible, you will learn valuable lesson anyway  
Boost video with likes, views , favourites and comments from different sites which allows that, enhanceviews, vagex etc.

4) Landing page -I suggest to use landing page, it make it look more professional, i used it was easy to set up, change background image, add some cool description, some proofs, and then call to action, trust me it will make you more conversions, just try to make it look real, professional and you are good, if you have money use .com domain it will boost more conversions. Quality Quality Quality and you are good and will make more money and more conversions 

5)Making money - Everything is done, now you need to make money, make .rar folder with something in it, put password on it and throw it in any pay per download sharecash make sure you make good title not like : sefight pearl hack 100% true and works legit no virus but make like : Seafight Pearl Hack 2012 v3.2 . Which sounds more legit ? 

TIP : Since i dont like fake stuff, and you probably as well, try to look at elitepvpers and get some bots or anything that will help these players, put like 5 bots or helpful tools in .rar and upload it. DONT PUT PASSWORD NOW. so they download it and see some good stuff, which might help them, so this will give them something instead of nothing. 

6 ) Take action. - Trust me this is most important, without this i doubt you make this. Dont think that 1 video will make you $50/day , which is possible, but hard, you need super niche then lol. Make 10 videos which makes you $5/Day . When you are good at this then you can work harder and upscale 


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