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Best Way To Make Money With Adfly 2015 Tips & Tricks

Best Way To Make Money With Adfly 2015 Tips & Tricks

Yes, you are probably thinking what in the world is these numbers! Well , let me introduce you to the best page that will make your adfly go VIRAL!!!

And it is called PASTEBIN! <<< click to signup

What is PasteBin? is a type of web application where users can store plain text. They are most commonly used to share short source code snippets for code review via Internet Relay Chat.

So how am i going to make money with PASTEBIN ?  
Good question... I will answer that in a second i will show you step by step on how this is going to work like crazy

1. Signup HERE

2. Signup HERE if you don't have an account yet.

3. You are going to go to PASTEBIN and you are going to paste any link and name it something FAMOUS!!! but real real FAMOUS!! including some good stuff and say DOWNLOAD IT HERE and put your adfly link , or you can say get it here or more information here etc. And put your adfly link there okay..

4. See views at the top of the paste. Just a single refresh gives to around 10 views.
5. If your paste goes viral, you are done.
6. You can check many viral and trending pastes in the top of the site.



  1. Your pages and account links are not working I want to follow you boy

  2. Hi I just read a artical of adfly on which is simple and fast also working for me..
    here is link

  3. Are you looking to make money from your websites/blogs by popunder ads?
    In case you are, have you ever used PopAds?

  4. Thanks for the share, I will try it in a couple of days from now

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