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Adfly VS Shortest

Adfly VS Shortest

Hello again well we all know that And are the most famous 2 shortening websites. Now We have to be honest here okay... is considered as the KING the most VISITED url of the world. And also it offers higher payout rate , low cashout limit and it is a renowned and TRUSTED network

Now is very new and it offers a decent payout rates and also low cashout limit and alo it offer some innovative ad formats that you can use to monotize your own links. Cool huh? 

Now we all know know about adfly but let me just talk a lil about adfly and then Okay? 

Adfly like i said it is very popular url shortening website. And in my honest review it is also better than in alot of aspect BUT EXCEPT THE TOOLS! i have to be honest. It is not a big problem though but still have to be honest you can get tools that you can monotize your links except some innovative formats but offers that. So tha is the only thing ! Now

The minimum cashout is $5 you want to start doing adfly please SIGNUP HERE is a good url shortening website and compared to it is new and very popular now. . How i know about popularity of websites? I use Google PageRank , offers a decent payout rates for all countries. 

The minimum cashout is $5 so that is a good thing , you want to start doing please SIGNUP HERE


  1. Are you trying to earn money from your websites/blogs by popunder advertisments?
    If so, have you tried using Clickadu?


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