Best Trick For Adfly 2014 Register Now Here Before It Is TO LATE!!!! Register NOW!!! Hello , me again how about if i tell you that i have found a way to make money with adfly a NEW trick for adfly this is a Best Trick For Adfly 2014 , since you guys already know i have a Trick For Adfly 2013 HERE , so please you can compare them if you want. 2014 trick is WAY but WAY better. Let's get started, first you will need to signup HERE it is a FREE website that they will let you put your ADFLY LINK and every CLICK you get you will make money , now i know what is your question. How do i get my clicks? Well you will earn POINTS for every website that you will see , now every website that you will see could be up to 5 points to 9 points. Those points will add up to your account and you will use it so other people (By the way they way MILLIONS of people on this WEBSITE HERE ) you will use those points for other people to click on YOUR link and that is ...